Micromin Soil

Micromin Soil is a mixture of Micro nutrient Fertilizer in powder / granule form which are highly effective in both the prevention and cure of Micro nutrient deficiencies to ensure optimum yield and quantity. It has increased stress tolerance and drought remittances. It is improve tolerance to root pathogen including bacteria and Nematode. It will higher and better Yield quality. It increases the no of tillers and grain filling. It will be stimulated Photosynthesis. It reduces the chemical fertilizers & reduced irrigation frequencies.

Dose : Application Per Acre
Soil 5-10 kg


Specification :
As per Maharashtra State Grade – II
Nutrients Zn Cu Fe Mn B Mo
Content(%) 5% 0.5% 2% 1% 10.5% 0%


Available Size:  5kg, 10kg, 25kg.

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