Polyzinc -ZSB

Polyzinc -ZSB is a Zinc Soluble Bio Fertilisers contain bacteria that are capable of solubilizing inorganic Zinc from insoluble compounds and providing it for plant uptake. These micro organisms are commonly known as Zinc solubilizing bacteria or Zinc dissolving bacteria. Polyzinc-ZSB improves resistance of crop against disease and stress conditions. Its secretes growth hormones to increase crop productivity. It enhances soil health and soil fertility. This encourages faster root growth for water and nutrient uptake. It help to improve the soil health. Polyzinc -ZSB is harmless, eco-friendly and low cost agro-input. Polyzinc -ZSB is a longer Shelf-life It is a higher and perfect bacterial count.

Ingredients: Zinc Soluble Bio Fertilizer, pH 5 to 7.5, Cell Count 2×10 spores/ml

Dose: 1-2 liters by drip. / acre 200 liter. in the water

Available Sizes : 500ml, 1l.

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