DG WEIGHT ON-K is a Biodegradable mixture of Chelated Potash, Magnesium, Calcium, Organic Boron & fortified with Molybdenum. It is an ideal K, Mg, Ca & B. It is the deficiency of any essential nutrients limits crop yields & crop quality, even when all other nutrients are present in adequate amounts. It is higher crop production can be measured in yield as it increase the grain fill, colour, weight, firmness, size and general appearance that exponentially increase the value and profitability of any given crop. Its eco-friendly, as recognized as safe.

Ingredients: Potash 50%, Magnesium 18%, Calcium 20%, Boron 2% and Molybdenum 0.5%

Dose: Spray : 300 ml – 500 ml / acre 200 L. in the water

Driptun: 1.5 – 2 L. / acre 200 L. in the water

Available sizes : 250 ml, 500 ml, 1l.

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